Michael Ajewole 2:18am Sep 16
The news is no longer new that EWTN, the darling channel of most Catholics worldwide, particularly in Nigeria, has been yanked off the satellite DSTV network since about a week. From my investigations and contact with the African representative of EWTN, the reasons given are that the channel is non-performing meaning practically that not enough people in Nigeria are watching it. This of course cannot be true because:
a. We of the communications apostolate have been inundated with protests messages since it was yanked off and same goes for the EWTN African representative and others internationally.
b. No other religious channel has been so treated and we do not believe at all that we are the least of all channel captive audiences off all religious networks. Even of others go, the only Catholic 24 hour satellite channel known amidst the cacophony of religion channels in Africa must not be allowed to go.
EWTN has been doing all it can to prevent this from happening since July when it was notified by DSTV but DSTV is adamant. Nigeria is DSTV's largest audience in Africa and Catholics are not insignificant in that market. We can exercise some influence. While they and we are working, this is what must be urgently done.
We must mobilize all our devotional, professional, pressure groups (knights, youths, women, men, religious, priests and ordinary people etc. to inundate the following address with e mail protest messages with due courtesy and without violence....
Write tò
and always copy
Please disseminate this in your diocese very, very widely and quickly and do act on it yourselves too. There is no reason why this cannot be disseminated even from the pulpit and in the church bulletins and notice boards and social network forums. It is the only way to stem this anti-catholic move.
If it comes down to it, given the atmosphere and importance of the preparation of The Year of Faith and Evangelization, we cannot exclude asking our flock, if prompt action is not taken, to boycott all DSTV subscriptions until something is done. The sacrifice will be well worth it. This of course would be a last resort but that is the kind of "might- is-right" world in which we are forced to now live. I can only hope that this is not the emergence of a grand anti-catholic master plan
Please do disseminate this information to all Priests, Religious, sodalities, parishes and other persons and gatherings that can be of help and see it followed up too accordingly. Do keep me and the Directorate of Communications informed about what you do and achieve in this matter.
I thank you very much for giving this the attention it deserves.
Most Rev. Emmanuel Ade Badejo
Chairman, Directorate of Communications
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